Point of Interests (POI)

The Point Of Interest (POI) Data Set is a individual location level report of physical location data that includes Signal provider, Category, BrandName, Location ID, Address1, Address2, City, State, Postal, DMA, Latitude, and Longitude . This is report combines with the Visitation Detail data set to generate the Visitation data sets.

Visitation Details

The Visitation Detail Data Set is a individual signal level report of anonymous mobility data that includes Provider, LocationID, Encrypted Mobile Ad ID, Distance from Location centroid and timestamp of signal. This is report combines with the POI data set to generate the Visitation data sets.

Visitation Summary

The Visitation Data Set is an aggregated report of anonymous mobility data that includes Category, Brand, Location/Store, and address/geography information and number of unique daily visits. This is a summary report that is derived from our POI and Visitation Detail data sets. Optionally, you may also include the attributes data set to include Ticker symbol (public company), website urls, corporate officers etc.

Signals: App Download History

Our Signals system ingests event-level data and associates it with your account analysis.

The Signal App Download History is based on a file side CSV delivery

All device identifiers must be idfa or idfv (iOS), or adid (Android) based and encrypted via MD5. All MD5 text must be uppercase as well.

Signals: File Based Delivery

Our Signals system ingests event-level data and associates it with your account analysis. The Signals ingestion is based on a valid compressed (gzip) CSV file. It is important that the CSV file be in the right order with blank fields (empty strings) representing fields that are not available for analysis.

Signals: Bid Requests

Our Signals system ingests event-level data and associates it with your account analysis. Our Signal ingestion requires a valid oRTB 2.3 -2.5 bid request to transfer the appropriate data to our system for analysis.

Signals: Impressions

Our Signals system ingests event-level data and associates it with your account analysis.

The Signal ingestion is based on a client-side GET request with key-value pairs.

Single Sign On (SSO)

OAuth doesn’t share password data but instead uses authorization tokens to prove an identity between consumers/clients and service providers. OAuth, in general, is a protocol for providing the ability to authorize a token to make authorized requests on behalf of a user without exchanging or exposing the username and or password.

OAuth 2.0 is not the same as OAuth 1.0. OAuth 2 uses the common practice of TLS/SSL connections to handle communication security whereas OAuth 1 relies on complicated signature signing and can be used over nonsecure connections.

White Label

In order to use your own White Label Domain on Intuizi platform, you’ll have to create a A Record in your domain’s DNS management platform.