
Integration Documentation

Signals: App Download History

Our Signals system ingests event-level data and associates it with your account analysis. The Signal App Download History is based on a file side CSV delivery All device identifiers must be idfa or idfv (iOS), or adid (Android) based and encrypted via MD5. All MD5 text must be uppercase as well.
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Signals: File Based Delivery

Our Signals system ingests event-level data and associates it with your account analysis. The Signals ingestion is based on a valid compressed (gzip) CSV file. It is important that the CSV file be in the right order with blank fields (empty strings) representing fields that are not available for analysis.
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Signals: Bid Requests

Our Signals system ingests event-level data and associates it with your account analysis. Our Signal ingestion requires a valid oRTB 2.3 -2.5 bid request to transfer the appropriate data to our system for analysis.
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Signals: Impressions

Our Signals system ingests event-level data and associates it with your account analysis. The Signal ingestion is based on a client-side GET request with key-value pairs.
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