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Demographics Report


The Demographics Report provides comprehensive insights into de-identified demographics across various segments and regions. It includes essential information such as the de-identified encrypted identifier, gender, marital status, annual income, age, and the number of visits recorded.

Our solution enables clients to make data-driven decisions for targeted marketing, customer segmentation, and competitive analysis.


We ensure that the Demographics Report is easily accessible to our clients through multiple cloud storage providers:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3

  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

  • Other compatible providers upon request

Clients can securely access the report data through their preferred cloud storage provider, allowing for seamless integration with their existing data pipelines and analytics tools.


The Demographics Report contains the following fields:

Field Description Data Type
EID Encrypted and Salted Mobile Ad Identifier String
Gender Gender of the user (m or f) String
Marital Status Marital status of the user (single, married or null) String
Annual Income Yearly income, segmented into predefined ranges in USD String
Age Age of the user (5-year intervals from 21 to 69) String
Visits Number of visits recorded Integer

By leveraging the Demographics Report, clients can gain valuable insights into behavior and demographics, allowing them to tailor their marketing efforts, enhance customer experiences, and maintain a competitive edge in their respective markets.