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Signals: File Based Delivery


Our Signals system ingests event-level data and associates it with your account analysis. The Signals ingestion supports both compressed (gzip) CSV files and Parquet files. It is important that the files are structured correctly, with blank fields (empty strings) representing data that is not available for analysis.


If you would like to use your own S3 bucket on AWS, you may provide either encrypted (MD5) device identifiers or plain-text identifiers, which will be encrypted in transit before reaching the Intuizi cloud for analysis.

If you would like to deliver data to an assigned S3 bucket within the Intuizi cloud, we require that all device identifiers be encrypted (MD5) before upload. The MD5 must be in UPPER CASE, and if not encrypted, the system will NOT return any results.

Both CSV (gzip) and Parquet formats are supported. When using Parquet, ensure that all fields match the expected schema to avoid ingestion errors.

Intuizi can assist with the encryption process if necessary.

Setting Mapping Keys

Redirect to our mapping key documentation to understand the crucial step of creating encrypted IDs from Mobile Advertising IDs using Google BigQuery and MySQL, essential for integrating your data with Intuizi. This mapping key process is a mandatory preparation for a successful data integration. 

CSV Example File

Example Uncompressed CSV File – Click Here

Header Fields

Key Value Data Type
eid* Encrypted Android Advertising ID , Encrypted Apple IDFA,
Encrypted IDFV, Encrypted CTV ID or any other encyrpted first party identifier
latitude Latitude with up to 7 digits precision Double
longitude Longitude with up to 7 digits precision Double
useragent Encoded USER AGENT of device String
adwidth Numeric Ad Width in Pixels Integer
adheight Numeric Ad Height in Pixels Integer
campaignid Alpha Numeric Campaign Identifier String
bannerid Alpha Numeric Banner Identifier String
pubid The assigned ID of a specific publisher grouping (apps or sites) String
invtype Display or Video String
devicetype The numeric ID for the type of device. Integer
country The ISO 3166 code for the country (Alpha-3 code) String(3)
bid Assigned Business Identifier String
gender Gender.  (M = male, F = Female, O = Other or unknown) String(1)
age Numeric age of the user Integer
ip* IP address (IPv4) of the record String(39)
d* Date of the record in YYYY-MM-DD HH:ii:ss format DateTime
auctionid unique/randomized identifier String
bundleid Source app Identifier of the signal String
domain Source domain of the signal String
page Web page URL of the source signal String
ref Signal’s referrer’s web page URL String
cat App source category based on IAB Categories. (Example: IAB7,IAB17) String
geotype Geographical location type based on oRTB API Specification. Integer
screenheight  Physical height of the screen in pixels Integer
screenwidth  Physical width of the screen in pixels Integer
consent_ccpa Consent field for US Privacy string. String(4)
consent_gdpr Consent field for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) encoded in base64. IAB TCF Consent String version 2.0. String
* denotes required field for full analysis.